Friday, August 26, 2011

Back To The River

What it is..?
Kali Serayu or Serayu River (formerly also called Ci Serayu) is a river in Central Java. Headwaters are located in Wonosobo regency (called Tuk Bima Lukar or Bima Lukar spring) and boils at Cilacap.
Serayu River- Central Java
Serayu major tributaries are Klawing Kali, who tipped in Mount Slamet. There are six counties covered by the watershed are: Wonosobo district, District Banjarnegara, Banyumas, Purbalingga, Kebumen and Cilacap.
Serayu River is also used as a theme in keroncong Serayu River around the edges.

Serayu River is one of the natural attractions found in Central Java Province. Rivers that disgorge the Dieng plateau and has a length of about 30 km of this, across the five districts, including Wonosobo, Purbalingga, Banjarnegara, Banyumas and Cilacap. River which empties into the Indian Ocean is, has a width of about 12-25 m.
Serayu bridge over the river (photo taken before 1917)
Besides being a source of life for the community, is also a place Serayu River rafting sport. Because, in this river rafting are traversed terrain is unique and challenging. With the condition of the river like that, then local government is determined to seriously develop this river become tourist attractions and at the same location rafting sport. The effort was fruitless. Proven in 1997, River Serayu never be used as a race where the national sport of whitewater rafting. Starting from the existence of this river that later became famous.
According to the story of the local community, in ancient times Serayu River is a water transport pathway traders from China, India, and Arabic. The merchants that sailed up the river to peddle his wares. This can be evidenced by the discovery of various relics that can still be seen today, among them the discovery of the former dock building, Chinese ceramics, metals and foreign currencies. Relics are found in the village of Plana, Banyumas.

Where beauty?

Serayu River has beautiful natural scenery, unique cliffs jutting into the middle of the river as well as various types of rocks that stand out. Around the river, visitors can also see a paddy field and a verdant garden of the population. Visitors can also take advantage of his visit while fishing. Many of the fish contained in this river ranging from tilapia, catfish, shrimp, and others.

For you fans of white water rafting, river Serayu is appropriately used as a test of your adrenalin. Many of the sports pengemar rafting visited this river. Rafting on the river rafting trip features two of each located approximately 12 km with a travel time of approximately 2.5 to 5 hour trip. During the rafting, visitors will be able to enjoy the beauty of the natural scenery along the rivers.
Serayu River from Prigi Post View
This river is also famous for its annual tradition called Grebeg Suro. Suro Grebeg tradition held on the banks of the River Serayu usually equipped with a mound containing agricultural products, such as peppers, eggplant, long beans, and others as well as the fruits of them barked, bananas, apples, and so forth. To obtain a wide range of agricultural products, visitors can go scrambling after the completion of this tradition.
In Serayu River there is also another event that is not less interesting, namely Serayu Festival. Serayu Festival event is the celebration of entertainment consisting of various races in between racing rowing boat, stage games, performances ornamental kites, and other race-race. Racing boats typically travel a distance of approximately 1 km, with a capacity of one boat consists of 9 rowers as a member of the group. To enliven the festival, also held a variety of art performances such as stage performances all-night wayang kulit, kuda lumping stage, karaoke, and others. The festival is held in order to promote tourism again Banyumas Serayu River water.

Where are the challenges?

if my words are not working.. maybe these pictures will tell you.. about.. :)

How attractive?

1 comment:

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