Showing posts with label Sunset. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunset. Show all posts

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sunset on Mount Sumbing

This was a wonderful trip and fun. with friends across the expanse of tobacco. streets are steep, dusty and the sun did not dampen our desire toward achieving the mountain Sumbing.

No pain, No gain .. there is something to be up there. that's why we did this trip. there is no beauty that we encountered on our home page. no stretch of beautiful clouds in front of our house. it can be found at the top Sumbing.

Rolling clouds, adorned yellowish light from the sun began to sink slowly. the cool air with the wind blowing a little stronger ..

This fun and it was wonderful. it feels like we repeat the trip, felt again touches soft winds, the cool breeze that blows, the warmth of the sun when his twilight. dense fog rolled and then fade, is the beauty of its own in the great outdoors, we can not find in our homes. :)

by. egre

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